Wednesday, March 4, 2009

S&M in a Glass- Aragon Patricia Amontillado Sherry

I'm not usually a sherry drinker. And by usually, I mean never... Well, until now..
Patricia makes a few different styles of sherry, but so far my favorite is the Amontillado. The nose is just INTENSE! You can smell this sucker from a mile away! The nose is full of caramel, pecans, burned sugar, dried fruits, and cashews! One sip, and your mouth gets a spanking from the tart, dry, and almost salty sherry-ness of it all. Then you exhale (and if you're me, you shiver), and it's this beautiful cashew oil, followed with vanilla.

I like it with a bit of a chill, it kind of helps take the bite off, and it goes GREAT with chocolate covered peanuts!!! I'm blaming this specific combination/ nightly habit as the reason I've put on five pounds AFTER the holidays!!!

So like I'm saying- Patricia Amontillado--hurts so good.....

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